A performance evaluation tool to ensure sound strategic alignment.
Strategic plans for boards and
senior executive teams.
A reliable board
evaluation tool.
The Institute of Strategic Management is a highly experienced organisational development consultancy bringing together over 20 years of professional development from the boardroom to the front line.
The Institute of Strategic Management is a highly experienced organisational development consultancy bringing together over 20 years of professional development from the boardroom to the front line.
Our focus is on developing customised solutions that help link:
- Strategic planning
- Board and senior management
- Performance reviews
- Leadership development
- Establishment of corporate universities
- Graduate management programmes
- Nationally recognised training packages
We have worked with a diverse array of industries including:
- Financial services
- Manufacturing
- Employment services
- Government
- Health care
- Aged care
- Education
- Logistics not-for-profit
The Institute of Strategic Managment has facilitated numerous strategic plans for boards and senior executive teams of a wide variety of organisations operating in Australia and globally. The value we add includes objective thinking, detailed analysis and careful observation of key strategic differences that our clients can offer to their respective markets. This experience has also reinforced the notion that strategic planning is more about strategic thinking and not overly rigid planning.
Organisations need to be aligned to a key set of values and goals, but have the adaptability to respond to a turbulent and rapidly changing environment. In working with teams of people, we facilitate the strategic alignment by helping organisations discover the value-generating potential of products, markets and talented people. We utilise a technique called ‘critical issues planning’ that enhances environment scanning and strategy development.
The Institute of Strategic Management, by partnering with several national universities, The Brain Resources Company and a number of research institutes, has brought together a collective of skills and experience to offer a range of diversified accredited professional development programmes tailored to the specific needs of Institute of Strategic Managements’ clients.
We have a sound reputation for developing corporate programmes which are aligned to the specific strategic objective and outcomes of our clients’ organisations. This is achieved by bringing together a diverse collection of highly knowledgeable and experienced individuals as facilitators, not only academic professionals but also those with highly regarded industry experience.
These corporate programmes range from short one day workshops to fully integrated corporate graduate programmes that lead to post-graduate degrees including Masters in Management and Business.
Insight 360
Insight 360 measures staff engagement in four key dimensions, including the extent to which people engage with:
- Customers
- Tools and systems
- Organisational sustainability
- Organisational change and innovation
Strategic Learning Partnerships provides clients with a detailed graphical and analytical report highlighting opportunities for coaching, mentoring, and development strategies to address identified areas for improvement.
One of the benefits of this tool is that inter-departmental or intra-organisational comparisons can be made that will provide a cultural as well as a performance evaluation to ensure sound strategic alignment.
Integrated Learning
Like most organisations you may already have invested a significant amount of training in your workforce.
The Institute of Strategic Management respects that investment and can conduct a structured assessment of current skills and competencies to provide your employees with a nationally recognised qualification.
This process includes an exclusive program of skills analysis called WEB-ASK that tests skills, knowledge, and attributes against national training standards.
As we work with boards and executive teams to develop their strategies and KPIs, our team is able to translate these goals and objectives into key skill sets that will be required of the various groups within the organisations. The design and delivery of training is therefore unique and requires highly customized learning materials and methods to ensure each member of the organisation is able to work at creating and delivering strategic value.
The Institute of Strategic Management can also assist in mapping all your existing or potential training, development, and induction programs so that your staff will have a formal pathway to gain a nationally-recognised qualification.
This fully integrated web-based solution provides a detailed analysis of existing skill levels and matches this with current and potential career path prospects of your individual team members.
The Institute of Strategic Management’s approach to recognition of current competency (RCC) and recognition of prior learning (RPL) can become part of your organisation’s broader career path planning, increasing retention and ensuring high potential team members are engaged in longer term careers within your organisation. Linked to competencies drawn from nationally recognised qualifications, WEB ASK provides you with a base-line of skill levels, so that the progress of learning and development programmes can be accurately measured over time.
The Institute of Strategic Management facilitates, monitors, and measures this process and can link these to your staff performance and evaluation systems to ensure regular review of progress can be compared to the baseline. WEB ASK identifies gaps in skills sets from which Strategic Learning Partnerships can design specific, measurable learning outcomes into learning pathways that can lead to nationally recognised qualifications.
Discuss your training evaluation needs with one of our highly experienced consultants.
Governance 360
Regulators such as APRA {Australian Prudential Regulation Authority) and ASIC {Australian Securities and Investment Commission) have issued guidelines and practice statements on board evaluation requirements. Governance 360 provides a convenient and accurate method of measuring board performance so that these regulatory requirements can be supported by this easy to use evaluation tool.
The Institute of Strategic Management regularly facilitates Governance 360 evaluations for a number of clients to assist in assessing board performance as part of their annual board governance review.
The process includes the performance evaluation of the group (illustrated) as well as individual directors as an accurate measure of board and committee performance. Strategic Learning Partnerships will provide a detailed analysis of performance as well as suggested interventions that the board and individual directors may choose to undertake to enhance their individual and collective contribution.
Industry benchmarks are incorporated into the report so that the board and individual directors are able to measure their performance rating against industry median scores.
A free consultation is available that includes examples of reports and suggested intervention strategies based on a variety of previous industry evaluations.