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Where can I get help with language, literacy and numeracy?

Individuals who want to get help with their literacy and numeracy can access information about the nearest LLN provider by calling the Reading Writing Hotline: 1300 6555 06.

What is the Reading Writing Hotline?

The Reading Writing Hotline is funded by the Australian Government Department of Education, Science and Training. The project is managed by TAFE NSW – Access and General Education Curriculum Centre and is Australia’s national telephone adult literacy and numeracy referral service. For the price of a local call from anywhere in Australia, the Hotline can provide you with advice as well as a referral to one of 1200 providers of courses in adult literacy and numeracy.

What happens when I call the Hotline?

You will speak to an experienced adult literacy teacher who will advise you on ways you can access classes in your local area to improve reading, writing, spelling and maths skills. The information you give about yourself is confidential and will not be given to anyone else.

When can I call the Hotline?

You can call the Hotline at any time.

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