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COVID-19 and Studying at ISM


Your Health and Safety is our top priority


As of Monday, March 16th 2020 ISM have postponed or reprogrammed our face-to-face workshops to online classes and/or webinars.

“Whilst we understand that our workshops are small gatherings, we want to ensure that the health and safety of our students and our trainers are paramount. We recognise that many of our students catch public transport to our facilities and we do not feel comfortable asking them to do this during this time. For now, we will be running our workshops online and encourage future students to enrol in our online programs which are fully supported by ISM trainers and assessors.”

-Monique Hodder, CEO ISM


We have contacted our students who will be affected by these changes directly and are guiding them on their best options during this time. 

This is an unprecedented situation in Australia and we are taking guidance continually from government authorities. Public health and safety is our top priority. ISM staff are working from home where possible and are contacting clients to change upcoming meetings into phone calls or online sessions.

With all that being said, for most of our business, it is ‘business as usual. ISM has an array of fantastic online courses in both the finance and business sector and a popular RPL Assessment. This part of our business remains unchanged.

ISM has some quick tips for studying at home. We hope this helps.

For more information please visit our student support services page.

If you need virus information, we recommend use visit the following sites:

or call the Government Hotline 1800 675 398

We encourage you to follow us on Linkedin or Facebook to keep up-to-date with any changes we may have. Thank you for your understanding

The ISM Team

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